Monday, August 29, 2011

we will rock you


  1. holy s*#t that f*@#ing rawwwwwked, little homie! so eddie vedder unplugged circa 1995. the emotion, the passion, the kid rules!

  2. This is by far a Roohi favorite! I also think that P-lander Z should receive a copy of the "So Many Mike" video :)

  3. I have for many years opined the the Who's (second) scream in "Don't Get Fooled Again" is the greatest rock 'n' roll scream ever. Now I've changed my mind. This little redheaded dude can SCREAM! In fact, he can scream beyond the human ear's capacity to hear. I'll bet there's not a dog left in Travis County. The female dancer is great too--subtle, yet such emotional interpretation. They need to get rid of that guitar guy though. He's a camera hog and not very talented.
