Saturday, April 16, 2011


my beautiful family in a beautiful texas river, a match made in heaven.

wills + runa = love

sunny giving her babies an afternoon snack. she is such a good mommy!

a picnic on the shores of mermaid island.

no road trip in west texas is complete without a stop in the dq. yum!

pretty much speechless on this one. kids say the darndest things!


  1. Beautiful pictures and happy children, what could be better? I guess the video lets the cat out of the bag about working too much. What a wonderful and complete family, all four of you guys. Love, Bebo and Nana

  2. Thanks so much for my Sunday afternoon laugh! If ever there was a daddy who DOES know how to do stuff, it is Brendo! Such a fun camping trip for all involved.

  3. dsan k; jdsf. man, i wish i knew how to type and do stuff. i'd like to comment and stuff. i love that girl. gotta go to work now.

  4. hilarious and wonderful and totes os!
